Oct 1, 2012Welcome to our newest group members!Welcome to Lei Yu, our newest graduate student, and Daniel Earle, our newest undergraduate research assistant. Daniel joined the group in...
Mar 1, 2012Congratulations to EricCongratulations, Eric, for graduating with department honors, Spring 2012!
Sep 1, 2011Welcome to our newest group member!Welcome to Allie Lonneman, our newest undergraduate research assistant. Allie joined the group in Fall 2011.
Jun 1, 2011Undergraduate researcher joins the groupWelcome to Eric Gilland, our first undergraduate research assistant. Eric joined the group during Summer 2011.
Feb 1, 2011Two postdocs join the groupWelcome to Dr. Anas Mouti, and Dr. Guohua Li, joining the group in Spring 2011. Anas joins us from EPFL, Switzerland, and will be based...
Sep 1, 2010Two graduate research assistants become the first Guiton Group members!Welcome to Bethany Hudak and Jerry Chang, first year graduate students, who have become the first Guiton Group members (Fall 2010).